domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

An Unexpected Incident!

When I was 5 years old, my parents took me with my siblings and I to McDonalds and they told us to ask for our happy meal, then my brother chose  the toy that I wanted and I started to chase him and I told him if you don’t give me that toy I’m going to pinch your butt. He made expressions with his face making fun of me and I got really angry so I started to pinch him, then he ran very fast and I lost him. I started searching, I saw in the mirror and I saw his t-shirt, I supposed it was him, he was in the line to for ice-cream, I ran to catch him by surprise and I pinched his butt. He screamed and turned around, in that moment I was shocked, he wasn’t my brother then I looked my parents and they were with my brother laughing out of me.
IMPORTANT NOTE:  never pinch somebody’s butt if you are not sure he is your brother LOL!

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